Goals and Objectives

The membership dues, donations, and proceeds from events and interpretive sales will be used to:

Provide Education and Outreach

  • Publish literature about Chino Hills State Park, its natural resources, activities, and trails;
  • Continue education for the public, park volunteers, and staff and on the importance of this natural area;
  • Maintain and acquire park display materials and artifacts;
  • Assist in establishing and providing staffing support for an appropriate visitor center(s); and
  • Develop and collect information relevant to the State Park for inclusion in our resource library.

Restore and Maintain Park Resources

  • Restore and maintain plants native to the State Park;
  • Sustain and encourage growth of native plants in the State Park nursery; and
  • Support the removal of species not native to the Park that harm native plants and animals.

Create and Build Partnerships

  • Sponsor and promote State Park special events and activities;
  • Work closely with existing volunteer units and groups to enhance the trails and overlooks; and
  • Collaborate and partner with other local groups and non-profits for the betterment of the Park.